When the world’s entire economy is going through this challenging COVID situation, startups are facing the most challenging time. Due to this worldwide pandemic situation where import-export from overseas, supply chains, and electronics manufacturers expect long delays, startups in the electronics industry face a hard time. Being the electronics manufacturing and a Printed circuit board assembly company in Seattle, AalokTronix, Inc. (ATI) fully understands the importance of Turnkey PCB Assembly and Prototypes for Startups, especially when Startups try to struggle through this economic crisis. To avoid issues, Startups always look for the best option that can give them price benefits and the quality product on time.
ATI is an expert in PCB Assembly and contract manufacturing, based in Seattle, WA, and can help the startups with their Turnkey and Prototype needs. ATI’s expert team can provide incredible benefits to startups in their next project by offering following…

PCBA Prototype
Cost-Efficiency and Competitive pricing
For any startup cost saving is an excellent option to survive, especially in a situation like COVID-19. ATI provides a competitive price for the turnkey and prototype PCBA solution. We also offer free First article inspection result, design for manufacturability suggestions, and product improvement advice from our expert engineering team, which can help startups to make their product best in the class. Due to ATI’s in-house stock and well managed supply chain of the components, our customers can save a significant cost.
Product improvement and Problem-solving
Once the startup designs a product, the biggest question they have is about its success. At AalokTronix we have a team of expert engineers who can identify potential Problems in the Prototype assemblies at the early stage so our clients can make improvements before going into production.
Quality at its finest
Our customers like to come back because of the quality result and competitive pricing we offer. With its fully automated machines and experienced staff, ATI delivers the best quality for all Prototypes and Turnkeys, meeting or exceeding customers' requirements.
Reliable Supply Chain
As the COVID Pandemic continues in 2021, having a reliable supply chain for the PCB and PCBA is the most significant advantage we offer for our startup customers. Over the years of experience and vendor relations, we have built the resources we can rely on to meet all of our raw material needs to build final products. This can benefit our customers to save cost and time, and get their product delivered in short time frame.
By having its Printed Circuit board assembly and manufacturing operation locally in the United States, ATI can easily alleviate Startup’s growing pain and manufacture ring challenges. It's always good to have your trusted business partners at your arm’s length. Please give Aaloktronix a chance to add value to your success.
Contact us or share your project to find out what we can offer and build your next product.