Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) serve as the backbone of modern electronic devices, ensuring the smooth flow of electricity and data.

From consumer electronics to industrial machinery, PCBs are ubiquitous. However, have you ever wondered about the costs involved in assembling a PCB?

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details of PCB assembly costs, exploring factors that contribute to expenses, the assembly process, and the timeline involved in getting a PCB manufactured.

PCB assembly cost

How Much Does it Cost to Get a PCB Assembled?

The typical cost of PCB assembly falls within the range of $0.02 to $0.05 per square inch. However, this figure is subject to variation based on factors like the intricacy of the design and the extent of labor needed. It’s important to note that several variables, such as labor rates and overhead expenditures, can influence this cost range. The duration necessary for PCB production hinges on project size and complexity. Keep in mind that the cost of manufacturing might deviate from the average due to disparities in labor rate expenses and overhead outlays. The cost of PCB assembly can vary significantly based on several factors:

  1. Design Complexity: PCBs can range from simple single-layer designs to complex multi-layer layouts. The more intricate the design, the higher the assembly costs due to increased material requirements and labor hours.
  2. Component Types: The cost of components, such as resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, and connectors, can vary widely. Opting for specialized or high-performance components can substantially raise the overall assembly cost.
  3. Assembly Quantity: Bulk production often leads to cost savings per unit. Manufacturers may offer volume discounts, making it more cost-effective to assemble larger quantities of PCBs.
  4. Assembly Options: PCB assembly can be done using different methods, including manual, automated, and semi-automated. Automated assembly might have higher upfront costs due to equipment investments, but it can significantly reduce labor costs and improve efficiency in the long run.
  5. Additional Services: Services like soldering, testing, and quality control contribute to the overall cost. Rigorous testing ensures a lower failure rate, which can ultimately save costs by preventing expensive recalls or repairs.
  6. Lead Time: Lead time pertains to the duration encompassing order placement and product delivery. A notable connection exists between lead time and pricing, wherein prolonged lead times generally translate to reduced costs.
  7. Quality: Quality pertains to the effectiveness of your design, gauging its performance and functionality. The quality of your PCB hinges on several aspects including intricacy, dependability, and yield. Complexity is frequently gauged through factors like area relative to the via count, encompassing elements such as PCB tracks and soldering junctions. To assess the complexity of your PCB design, it’s essential to ascertain the typical metrics associated with a specific product category and the chosen assembly approach within your organization.
  8. Functionality: Certain design mistakes are readily identifiable, while others might prove more elusive to detect. As a result, conducting a comprehensive array of functionality tests on your PCB design serves as a potent quality control measure. This proactive approach elevates tolerance thresholds and serves to curtail instances of rework and production disruptions. Through the enhancement of operational efficiency within PCB manufacturing and assembly processes, there’s a notable reduction in the count of order cycles (representing designs integrated into the end product). This pivotal shift bears the potential to substantially augment your company’s profitability.
  9. Quantity: For each quantity order, excluding bulk orders, a set cost per square inch is in place. Consequently, as your order volume increases, the cost per individual unit proportionally decreases.

With a clear grasp of your expenses, you can construct a project budget and ascertain the requisite profit margin to incorporate within your PCB assembly quotation. This strategic analysis will subsequently streamline the process of defining pricing structures for each product that emanates from your enterprise.

Why is PCB Assembly Expensive?

Costs by Product Type

Manufacturers engage in the design, production, and assembly of PCBs tailored to the distinct requirements of various industries. Consequently, the cost of PCB assembly is influenced by factors intricately tied to the specific industry, type of product, and chosen assembly approach. Presented below is a general approximation outlining where you can anticipate encountering typical costs associated with each product type.

  • Stamp/Shrink +$1.00 per unit +/- 1%
  • Solder +$1.00 per unit +/- 3%
  • Spot +$0.05 per point +/- 2%
  • SMT/LGA +$1.00 per unit +/- 1%

Costs by Assembly Option

The PCB assembly process has a dual impact on its associated costs, which can be understood through the following points:

  1. Enhanced Material Costs: Materials themselves incur higher expenses due to the assembly process.
  2. Retesting Requirements: Each assembly method necessitates a certain level of retesting to address disparities inherent in the manufacturing process.

Outlined below are the distinct assembly methods employed for your PCB design, accompanied by their corresponding cost implications:

  1. Turnkey, No Processing, No Manufacturing, No Assembling: Approximate cost of $0.52 per square inch, with a variance of +/- 2%.
  2. General Process Assembling: Cost fluctuation ranging from $1.00 to $1.20 per square inch.
  3. Turnkey Processing: Incurs an added cost of approximately +$0.72 per square inch, with a variance of +/- 1-2%.
  4. General Process Manufacturing: Cost deviation ranging from $0.20 to $0.52 per square inch.
  5. Turnkey Manufacturing: Involves an extra expense of around +$1.00 per square inch, with a variance of +/- 1-2%.
  6. Turnkey Assembly: Encompasses an additional cost of about +$1.00 per square inch.

This comprehensive breakdown serves to illustrate the nuanced relationship between different assembly processes and their corresponding financial implications in the realm of PCB assembly.

Several other factors contribute to the perceived high cost of PCB assembly:

  1. Advanced Technology: As electronics become more sophisticated, PCBs need to accommodate smaller components and intricate designs. This demands specialized equipment, skilled labor, and meticulous quality control, all of which can drive up costs.
  2. Quality Assurance: To ensure reliability and longevity, thorough testing and quality control measures are essential. These steps are integral to preventing defects, which could lead to costly rework or recalls.
  3. Component Sourcing: Sourcing high-quality components, especially for specialized applications, can be expensive. Counterfeit or subpar components can lead to failures down the line, making it vital to invest in reliable sources.
  4. Labor Costs: Skilled labor is crucial for assembling PCBs accurately. Soldering, component placement, and quality checks require experienced technicians, contributing to labor costs.

How Do You Assemble a PCB Board?

The PCB assembly process involves several stages:

  1. Component Placement: Components are placed on the PCB according to the design specifications. Automated machines or skilled technicians handle this step, ensuring precise positioning.
  2. Soldering: Solder paste is applied to the board, and components are attached. The board then passes through a reflow oven, where the solder paste melts, creating secure connections.
  3. Inspection: The assembled PCB undergoes visual and automated inspections to identify any defects or misplacements. This step ensures the quality and integrity of the board.
  4. Testing: Functional testing is performed to ensure that the assembled PCB operates as intended. This step identifies any issues that may have arisen during the assembly process.

How Long Does it Take to Get a PCB Made?

The time required to manufacture a PCB depends on several factors:

  1. Design Complexity: Complex designs take longer to assemble due to the intricacies involved in component placement and soldering.
  2. Assembly Method: Automated assembly methods are generally faster than manual methods, as machines can handle multiple components simultaneously.
  3. Volume: Larger quantities may take longer to assemble due to the increased number of components and testing requirements.
  4. Supplier Lead Times: Component availability from suppliers can impact the overall timeline. Shortages or delays in component delivery can extend the assembly process.

Things to consider when estimating the cost of assembly

Estimating the cost of PCB assembly involves a meticulous consideration of various crucial elements. To ensure accurate cost projections and effective budgeting, keep the following factors in mind:

  1. Design Complexity: The intricacy of your PCB design significantly influences assembly costs. Elaborate designs with intricate layouts or multi-layer configurations generally require more labor and resources, impacting the final cost.
  2. Component Selection: The type and quality of components you choose for your PCB play a pivotal role in cost estimation. Specialized or high-performance components often command higher prices, influencing the overall assembly expenses.
  3. Quantity Ordered: The principle of economies of scale applies to PCB assembly. Larger production quantities often lead to reduced cost per unit due to bulk discounts, optimizing your expenditure.
  4. Technology Used (SMT vs. Through-Hole): The selection between Surface Mount Technology (SMT) and Through-Hole Technology in PCB assembly involves cost considerations. SMT, with its compact components and automated assembly, generally offers lower labor costs and material savings due to smaller board sizes, making it more cost-effective for large-scale production. In contrast, Through-Hole assembly, characterized by larger components and manual labor, can lead to higher material and labor costs, potentially extending production timelines. The choice hinges on factors like design complexity, production volume, and the specific application’s durability requirements, with SMT often being the preferred cost-efficient option for modern PCB assembly.
  5. Assembly Method: The chosen assembly method—manual, automated, or semi-automated—affects labor costs and efficiency. While automated processes can reduce labor expenses in the long run, they might necessitate higher upfront investments.
  6. Testing and Quality Control: Rigorous testing and quality control measures ensure the reliability and performance of the final product. However, these steps can contribute to the overall cost due to additional resources required.
  7. PCB Size and Layer Count Considerations: The count of layers directly impacts the maximum attainable thickness for a PCB. The intricacy and cost associated with multi-layer PCBs influence the manufacturing timeline. Crafting a two-layer PCB might be accomplished slightly over a day, whereas a four-layer PCB could extend to five days or more, contingent upon the material type and layer alterations. The layer count within a PCB exerts influence over its allocation of the overall cost.
  8. Board & Component Material: Choosing appropriate board and component materials involves a careful balance between cost, performance, and reliability. High-quality materials might increase initial costs but contribute to enhanced product longevity and minimized failure rates. Considering factors like electrical properties, thermal conductivity, and mechanical durability ensures optimal performance and customer satisfaction.
  9. Supplier Relationships: The cost of components and materials can vary based on your supplier relationships. Building strong relationships can potentially lead to better pricing terms.
  10. Lead Time: Expedited lead times might incur additional expenses, while longer lead times could lead to cost savings. Balancing time considerations with budget constraints is essential.
  11. Industry Standards: Different industries have varying quality and regulatory standards that can impact assembly costs. Ensure compliance with industry requirements without compromising on quality.
  12. Geographical Location: Labor rates, overhead costs, and market dynamics can vary based on your geographical location. Understanding local cost structures helps in accurate cost estimation.
  13. Additional Services: Ancillary services like soldering, conformal coating, and final testing can add to the total assembly cost. Determine which services are necessary for your project.
  14. Prototyping vs. Production: Prototyping costs might differ from mass production costs due to setup expenses and process optimization. Consider both stages when estimating costs.
  15. Flexibility and Customization: If your design requires flexibility or customization, it could impact costs. Balancing these needs with cost constraints is crucial.

By meticulously assessing these factors, you can develop a comprehensive and accurate estimate of the cost of PCB assembly. This proactive approach not only aids in budget planning but also facilitates better decision-making throughout the assembly process.


In conclusion, understanding the costs associated with PCB assembly requires considering various factors, including design complexity, component types, and assembly options. While PCB assembly can seem expensive, it’s important to recognize that these costs contribute to the reliability, performance, and longevity of electronic devices. By investing in quality assembly processes, you ensure that your electronic products meet the highest standards of functionality and durability.

By exploring the intricacies of PCB assembly costs and the underlying reasons for these expenses, we gain a clearer picture of the value delivered by skilled PCB manufacturers in the United States. Whether it’s a consumer gadget or a critical industrial component, the world of electronics relies on the precision and expertise of PCB assembly.